What is enamel loss?

Tooth enamel is the hard outer substance of the tooth that protects the softer and more sensitive inner tooth, called dentin. If the enamel is exposed to destructive bacteria bred from sugars and starches, or to acids from citrus fruits and coffee, for example, the substance starts to break down. 

Enamel can also be lost due to tooth damage or oral injury. Chipped or cracked teeth can expose the inner part of the tooth, making it vulnerable to decay without protection from the enamel. Teeth clenching and grinding also wears down tooth enamel.  Once enamel is lost, the body does not replace it, which is why preserving it is so important.  Enamel loss can appear in various ways including discoloration, sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks, and teeth that more easily chip or crack.  

As soon as you notice any of these symptoms or otherwise suspect that you are suffering from enamel loss, tell your dentist so you can address the issue right away before it progresses.  Call us at Mission Smiles Dentistry in Fremont to consult with Dr. Joshi on different ways to prevent and to restore teeth.